07 februarie 2010

Cata influenta are Twitter in lumea reala?

Daca in lumea virtuala a Internetului Twitter e deja un nume de care nu ai cum sa nu tii seama, in lumea reala a celor care nu respira printr-un tub tras din Facebook si nu se hranesc cu clipuri de la YouTube, programul de ciripit zilnic nu reprezinta nimic notabil. Si totusi sunt numeroase momente cand membrana ce desparte cele doua lumi e traversata, facandu-i chiar si pe cei mai sceptici sa admita ca intr-o buna zi offline-ul si online-ul vor fi tot o apa si-un pamant.

De exemplu, uite ce scrie David Carr in rubrica sa din New York Times: "I was on a Virgin America cross-country flight, and used its wireless connection to tweet about the fact that the guy next to me seemed to be the leader of a cult involving Axe body spray. A half-hour later, a steward approached me and said he wondered if I would be more comfortable with a seat in the bulkhead. (He turned out to be a great guy, but I was doing a story involving another part of the company, so I had to decline the offer. @VirginAmerica, its corporate Twitter account, sent me a message afterward saying perhaps it should develop a screening process for Axe. It was creepy and comforting all at once.)"

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